Certification and Verification of Products (CMC / VMC) is a summary of DNV Services, especially addressed to companies, delivering products or services.
CMC – Certification of Material and Components is basically a summary of services within the scope of DNV Rules. Normally these products / services are intended for the maritime market.
VMC – Verification of Material and Components is a summary of services outside the scope of DNV Rules, e.g. based on recognized International Standards and / or based on customer specifications.
You, as a customer, need not to distinguish between CMC or VMC. Based on the registered data DNV will define the applicable category during handling your order request.
Access to the CMC/VMC Portal
You may access through the main customer portal Veracity
Here you should click on the tile “Certification and Verification of Products”.
You may also use the direct link
DNV uses several terms. Here we would like to give a short explanation.
- Order
An order is a summary of commercial and technical information. The order defines the scope of our work. The more detailed you are with the data during registering an order, the better we see our specific scope of work.
- Visit
A visit is a physical (on-site) or virtual (remotely) journey of a DNV Surveyor to a Survey location.
- Survey
A survey is a test on a component or material, specified by the applicable Rules, Standards or Specifications.
A survey can also be an assessment of a company or of a process.
- Deliverable
A deliverable is the product of DNV, that DNV provides to the customer. This can be a certificate, survey report, assessment report, verification statement etc.
- Comment
A comment is a statement, that the applicable Rules / Standards, have not fully been met. The comment describes the deviation and depending on the comment status a reply by the customer is required.
DNV distinguishes between:
Design Comment – It describes a deviation of the design or of the design documentation and will normally be closed by the responsible DNV Approval Expert.
Survey Comment – It can either be an additional survey requirement or a deviation from the applicable Rules / Standards, observed during a survey. A survey comment needs to be closed by the attending
DNV Surveyor.
- Statuses
Orders can have the following statuses:
Draft You have started the registration, but not yet sent to order to DNV.
Requested You have sent the order to DNV, but we have not started to work on it.
Registered DNV has started to handle the order.
Confirmed DNV has confirmed the scope of work for the order to you.
On Hold DNV has stopped working on the order until outstanding items have been clarified.
Historic DNV has closed the order.
Visits can have the following statuses:
Requested You have sent the visit request to DNV, but we have not started to work on it.
Scheduled DNV has assigned a Surveyor and a time for the visit
Confirmed DNV has confirmed the visit time to you.
Completed The DNV Surveyor has completed surveys, planned for the visit
Depending on the a.m. statuses you can either still modify details of the order / visit or you may have to use the function “send change request”, which generates an e-mail to the responsible DNV Office.