Veracity for Class Maritime Portal
Orders for Product Certification / -Verification (CMC / VMC)
My applications > Certification and Verification of Products > Orders for Product Certification / -Verification (CMC / VMC)


We always recommend to enter the order specific reference number of your company in this field on the start page first. This will avoid double registration of the same order by different persons.



If the order already exists, please click on . This opens the existing order for further handling.



The registration of a new order starts with .


You will then get the option to create a new order or to create a new visit.



When you click on Create new order, a new view opens.  Here please enter the reference number of your company.


Then please select the service, that you would like to order from DNV.




NOTE:                   You will often find an  icon. When you move your mouse over the icon, you will get an explanation, which data we expect.




This part of the portal user guide covers


Please click on this tile and continue with the registration, that is now split into a few steps.



NOTE:                   All mandatory fields are marked with *. You will not be able to proceed as long as a mandatory field is kept blank.


NOTE:                   You start the registration of a service “product certification / verification” of a product.

“Product” means one or more of fully identical materials or components.
If such materials or components are not fully identical (e.g. 2 pumps type ABC100 and 4 pumps type ABC200), please register them as separate services.



2.1          Simple Registration       (for advanced registration please go to 2.2)


The registration starts with the Product name.


Here you can search for previous orders, e.g. by using the type designation of your product or a general term like “pump”. Then you may select a product and re-use the product data from last time. Alternatively please use the field for free text and continue.


The next mandatory information is the intended installation of the product.



NOTE:   The more specific you are with the given information, the better we can define our scope of work.

A general certification of a product acc. to DNV Rules may in some cases not be sufficient to accept the installation of the product on the intended vessel.


Can be a newbuilding, a ship in operation, an offshore unit etc.

In order to select correct vessel, you may search on

-          Yard name and hull No.

-          Vessel name

-          DNV Id of the vessel

-          IMO-No. of the vessel


As soon as you have selected a vessel, you get the following information.


Vessel name and DNV Id-No.



Hull No.


Applicable Class Notations




Applicable Rules for the vessel


 NOTE:   Product Certification for vessels is always based on the new DNV Rules.

If the vessel is classed acc. to old GL- or DNV-Rules, please always select the latest revision of the DNV Rules in addition by clicking on .


Oil & Gas Field / Installation

If the product is intended for Offshore Installation you can search by name of the installation or by the end user / operator.



You may then get applicable DNV Offshore Codes. But you may also add other Standards and / or customer specifications by using the link as free text.







If you have no other information from your customer, you may also select «Other».


It is mandatory to add information in the free text field. Here you may use the word «stock».

By default the DNV Rules will be selected as applicable reference documents. But you may delete this entry and replace it by any other DNV Rule Set or other Standards and / or customer specifications by using the link as free text.


NOTE:   If you are not able to find a vessel or Oil&Gas Field/ Installation, you may use “Other”. Then please write in the free text all information, that you have received from your customer. We are then perhaps able to find the correct vessel, based on such information.


The next item for registration are Deliverable details.  



Here we need the quantity of (fully identical) products, that should be certified.

If the quantity is >1, you may select to get individual deliverables for each product.




If your company holds “reserved certificate numbers” (see “my company”) you may register the selected number.
You can also start typing “N14” and then you get the list with all unused certificate numbers. Here you can select the number(s)


In case of separate deliverables for each product you may use different certificate numbers:



Alternatively you may use only one certificate number with postfixes:



You may now go the next step or go back to the overview.


The next step is Approval Information.


NOTE:   This step is optional. For many products no Design Approval is required.
So you may directly go to the next step.

In this step you have several opportunities.

-                      You may refer to a previously registered Design Approval

In this case please search by the DNV Order number, the customer reference for the design approval or the description (e.g. product name / type designation)

-                      You may refer to a DNV Type Approval

In this case you may search on the TA-Certificate number, the product type designation or the TA-customer.

-                      If agreed with your local DNV office, you may also upload the design documentation for approval in this order.

Then you may upload a cover letter and you need to upload the design documentation.

Both uploads work either with browsing for the files on your computer or drag and drop from your Explorer into the relevant field.


NOTE:   Depending on the file sizes, number of files and the speed of your Internet you may experience a time-out. It might be helpful to upload the whole package in smaller portions.


Based on the file name the system proposes drawing No. and title. We kindly ask you to update the

information in this table. Before you send the request to DNV.

For this purpose you may  download the existing data as Excel file and after modification

you can upload this file again.


            You may now go the next step or go back to the overview.


 The next step is Survey plan.


NOTE:   This is a new optional functionality, where you can register typical product specific tests as surveys.

This information will be re-used, when you register the next service with the same product type.



There are some system predefined surveys and you may maintain an own list with your predefined surveys.


If a survey is missing, please register it.  


When you click +Add, you can still modify it and you can also add the survey to your own predefined ones.


NOTE:   When you request a visit for this order, you can then select the survey(s), that are planned for this visit.


Now you are finished with the registration of the service and you can




Now you have the following options:


-          You may register another service

-          You may  (see #2 of the User Guide)

-          You may


NOTE:           Here you must not upload documents, intended for design approval by DNV.
Please do only upload order- or service relevant documents, like purchase order / order confirmation with your customer, survey documentation etc.



-          You may already here update order information.

This will at least be done, when you send the request to DNV.



-          You may  and a new window appears (see next page).




The summary of the request starts with the registered services and visits.


In Details you see your reference number for the order, the responsible DNV station and you may select an MSA-agreement, if applicable.


NOTE:   By selecting an MSA-agreement you confirm, that all testing and inspection is done in compliance with this agreement.


In Contact you can edit the contact person(s) for this order. By default, your user account will be shown as “your

responsible person”. But you can also select another portal user.

You may in addition register users as “Project member”. These users will then also get our notifications and will see

relevant information in the portal as “My” information.


You may register your customer and the customer reference (e.g. your purchaser and the purchase order No.)

Here you may select customers from previous orders, otherwise please .


NOTE:   This information is shown on our deliverables. If there is no customer for this order, you may disable this part.




In Invoice you see the invoice address of your company. In addition you may register an invoice reference number

(e.g. your purchase order No. To DNV) if it is not the same as your already registered reference number for the



If you have registered a customer, you may also specify that DNV submits the invoice and the related

deliverables to that company instead to you.


NOTE:   This has to be agreed between your customer, your company and DNV.


In this case the invoice address changes and you have to register a contact person at your customer, to whom we

can address our invoice and deliverable(s).








2.2 Advanced Registration


The main functions of the advanced registration are the same as for the simple registration. The advanced

registration is mainly applicable for MSA-customers.


Differences are:



In addition to the product name you may register

-          The type designation

-          The DNV  Product category

-          The Application/Context (what is the intended use of your product)


Here please register, where can the A picture containing drawing Description automatically generated stamp and the certificate number be found on the product.


You may register additional information that you would like to have on our deliverable(s).



As soon as you have registered the DNV Product category, you get a batch of product relevant parameters. These parameters will finally be shown on our deliverables in order to describe the product more specifically.








Please complete the registration in that case with