DATE on Veracity for Class
DNV provides the DATE service to all owners and operators of DNV-classed vessels and offshore units. Our DATE service gives direct access to over 200 technical experts who are ready to answer any relevant technical questions regarding your vessels or units. DATE provides quick, practical and solution-centered support.
Your benefits with DATE
- Get better answers faster
- Gain direct expert advice
- Gain an overview of all your company’s support cases through DATE on Veracity for Class
- Share and follow up cases internally in your company using DATE in Veracity for Class
- Invite others to participate and contribute to your case
- Receive prompt response to standard questions with our AI-based DATE assistant
- Replies within 24 hours (or faster if you state that it is urgent)
- 200 experts worldwide covering all technical disciplines
- Access to frequently asked questions
What is covered by DATE?
- Certificate issues
- Postponements
- Survey requirements
- Evaluation of damages and repair proposals
- Class and statutory rule interpretations
You will find more information about the DATE service on the following page: