Veracity for Class Maritime Portal
Emissions connect
My applications > Fleet Status > Decarbonization > Emissions connect


Emissions Connect consists of four modules:

In addition, the Veracity Data Workbench gives you control over your data and is a key building block in the Emissions Connect package.

Fleet monitoring

Key features include filtering functions for year, month, and fleet group. Select the filtering layers you want and review the resulting emissions data. Use the visualization of fleet CII positions within thresholds to learn about overall fleet performance for the selected fleet group.

Vessel monitoring

Select vessel and year and study the resulting visualization of monthly CII score compared with required score, trend of CII per year, and trend of cumulative CII for selected year. Use the mode profile to learn amount of time the ship spends in port, at sea in ballast condition, and at sea in laden condition. 

Voyage monitoring

Select vessel and date range, and click search to display the legs reported within the given time period. Study the key voyage data and CII ratings, including the data quality status and number of issues per leg. If you want to create a voyage statement, select the applicable legs for the voyage, and review the sum of data from the selected legs at the bottom of the table. If there are no data quality issues on the selected legs, you may proceed to generate the voyage statement. Review the draft to ensure the desired voyage is generated, before proceeding with the statement ordering.

Voyage simulation

Select a vessel and enter the main parameters for the voyage. To compare different voyages, either duplicate voyage or create a new voyage. Click calculate to simulate the resulting CII performance.

High-level introduction on the methodology for the Voyage Simulation


Input to the model


Start-port of voyage (free text – for reference only)


End-port of voyage (free text – for reference only)
Mode Select (In port/Manoeuvring/At sea) – affects calculations
Laden/Ballast Select - affects calculations
Fuel Type Select (HFO/MGO/LNG/Battery) - affects calculations
Distance (nm) Nautical miles – input, or calculated based on Hours and Avg. speed
Hours Input, or calculated based on Distance and Avg. speed
Adjustment (%) Possibility to adjust the estimated fuel consumption by any given % (negative or positive). This way, the expected effects of wind, sea-state, currents and use of shore power or alternative fuels, may be adjusted for.
Avg. Speed (kn) Average speed in knots – input, or calculated based on Hours and Distance


Output from the model

Pre-voyage CII

CII calculated based on the reported data up to the current date

Voyage CII

CII calculated based on the input data for the simulated voyage

Post-voyage CII

CII after combining Pre-voyage CII and Voyage CII

Fuel consumption (tons)

Estimated fuel consumption for the simulated voyage based on the given input

Ton fuel per day

Estimated ton fuel per day based on the given input

CO2 (tons) Estimated ton CO2 per day based on the given input