Veracity for Class Maritime Portal
Vessel Sharing
My applications > Maritime Access Management > Vessel Sharing

How to share vessel information with other companies

Vessel sharing can be used to share one or more vessels in your company with other companies and are available in the 'Maritime Access Management' tool in the 'Vessels' tab. Vessel sharing is only available for Company Administrators.


You can share vessels that your company are the registered manager/owner of with other companies. When a vessel is shared, you will see this information in the 'Vessels' list in the Maritime Access Management tool under the column 'Sharing'.

You will not be able to share vessels that have been shared to you from other companies, and companies you share your vessels to will not be able to share those further with other parties.


The company that receive the shared vessel will see the marked with 'Shared from owner/manager' in the 'Relation' column. The vessel is also marked as N/A in the 'Sharing' column for the receiving company, meaning that it is not allowed to share these further.


 How to share one or more vessel(s) with another company:

  1. Open the 'Vessel' tab in 'Maritime Access Management' tool
  2. Click to select one or more vessel(s) you would like to share in the list of available vessels
  3. Click 'Share vessel(s)'
  4. Select one of the releated companies that show up in the list, or search for a company based on name, IMO or DNV ID
  5. If a date is selected in the Expiry box, the sharing of the vessel is removed after the selected date.
  6. Read the Terms and conditions, and tick the box 'I agree to the terms and conditions'
  7. Click 'Share'

The vessel(s) have now been shared to the other company. The system will send and email to the receiving company's administrators informing about the sharing of the vessel.

Please note that it could take up to 15 minutes before the vessel(s) is visible for the receiving company in all Maritime Customer Portals.


How to remove sharing of one vessel:

  1. Open the 'Vessel' tab in the 'Maritime Access Management' tool
  2. Click the vessel in the list you would like to unshare
  3. In the vessel detail pane, find the correct share and click 'Stop sharing'
  4. Confirm by choosing 'OK'
  5. The vessel is now unshared.