Veracity for Class Maritime Portal
Request company audit
My applications > Fleet Status > Company Services > Company documents and certificates > Request company audit

Step by step

In 'Status' you can view the 'Documents of Compliance' and other company certificates.

You can export data to Excel by clicking on () or download company and vessel audit reports by clicking on ().

Request audit

To request a company audit, click on the 'Request audit' button.

The steps that you need to perform are as follows:

1. Choose the scope of the request (if the required service is not listed, please use the 'Remarks' field at the bottom of the screen):

a) If 'Add new flag' is ticked, you need to select a country from a drop down list.

b) If 'Safety management – company, occasional” is ticked, the relevant items for the 'Flag' and 'Purpose' fields can be selected from a drop down list. Click on the 'x' to remove a selected item in a field.


2. If the scope is not listed or you want to add information relevant for the scope of the request, use the 'Remarks' field.

3. If you click on the 'Enter audit details and submit' button, a pop-up screen will appear.

The 'Company information' will be pre-filled. If a branch office audit has been selected, a drop down list with the addresses known by DNV will be shown in the 'Location' field.

You can amend all of the pre-filled information.


The Purchase order number can either be set to Required or Not required. If 'Required': PO number can be updated prior to audit request status is set to Scheduled. If 'Not required': Invoice will be issued without at PO reference. Adjustment to the invoice after it has been issued by DNV may lead to a handling fee'.


4. When you have completed the form you submit the request by clicking on the 'Submit audit request' button. You will get an email confirming your request, including the selected scope. An email will also be sent to the DNV station.

All fields marked with () are mandatory and must be filled out.